Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bangkok 3rd Day - It's "Chatuchak" time!!

Dear Beautiful readers,

When in Bangkok, it won't be complete if the visitor don't pay a visit to Chatuchak Market. We took the BTS to Mo Chit Station and came back via MRT (the underground) at Chatuchak Park. It looks similar like all those shops in Rantau Panjang / Pengkalan Kubor but it's haven. U name it!! The indie clothing, the souvenirs, even bundle and dogs!!

Jom gerak ke Chatuchak!!
There are about thousands shops in here.I definitely think that we didn't manage to cover all (plus it's damn hot anyway...thank God I wasn't sweating like a pig!)

Managed to grab a few good deals...

Ice lemon tea to quench the thirst...surppppppp

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