Sunday, February 21, 2010


Dear Beautiful readers,

Since "attached" to the facebook, I rarely update my blog, not as "industrious" as before, if i may say. But i shouldn't left my first love of blogging.. Enjoy some photos!

a) Met Mr ID and Mien for the final "touch-up". Love it and I can't wait!

b) Right after that, I accompanied Fakh for a movie at nearby cinema to watch V-Day. Fakh hasn't watched it, he should have watched it with his friend but got last minute cancellation. So being someone responsible, I was willingly accompanied him to watch, although it's my 2nd time. I don't mind..go Kara! :-)

Followed by Maggi Goreng and Roti Boom at nearby mamak. Gila banyak makan! :-)

Have a good Sunday people! Take care

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