Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Dear Beautiful readers,

Nothing much that i can update.

Went to More's lunch farewell at Zu's house. Nice place but tight security.
We chatted and talked...and one of the gossips was about the "PLUs" at work...

Aku dah agak dah...

I just keep my mouth shut. Don't want it to be so bloody obvious..

Rest of the days...i just resting at home. It was raining anyway during the weekends..

Hahaha...surprise2, right after work...my and the boys went for a movie - Jangan Tegur!
I don't know why we chose that...it's not that scary for me, but with the sound effect like that...it kinda scary though. But if u want me to compare with Jangan Pandang Belakang...then this Jangan Tegur is much more scarier (the hantu is more real..)

Busy day at work. Strengthening relationship with other counterparts in other division, and i like it!
Petang tadi aku balik awal skit....another shopping spree :-) (lama tak shop2)

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